Let's Try That Again - Redux - Chapter 10 - ScottisI - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

"Harry." Aunt Petunia called. "There's a letter for you."

Harry came downstairs to see Hedwig in a stare-down with a ministry owl. She was perched on the edge of the kitchen counter while the other bird waited on the back landing. The poor owl looked like it wanted to be anywhere but here. Hedwig hadn't had to spend any time in her cage this summer and was using the new-found freedom to purge the neighborhood of vermin. It only took her removing a couple of garden-destroying rabbits before she became a hero to local gardeners.

"Hedwig." Harry soothed. "They are just doing their job. Be nice."

Hedwig looked at him and gave a dramatic sigh. She hopped off the counter and glided out of the kitchen. The ministry owl visibly relaxed once she was out of sight. Harry went outside to get the letter, deciding to take it easy on the poor bird. Hedwig may have allowed the owl to do their job, but coming inside the house would be tempting a catastrophe.

Mister Harry Potter

Your presence is required today at your earliest convenience. Director Amelia Bones requests a meeting at the Office Department of Magical Law Enforcement. As your guardian, Petunia Dursley nee Evans, is not a witch, a replacement will be provided. Auror Nymphadora Tonks will arrive shortly to act as your escort.

From the Desk of Amelia Bones
DMLE Director

Harry smiled. He hadn't expected to meet Tonks for a while yet. They hadn't had much time together in his former life. He wanted to change that. The brief time they did get to be around each other was some of the few good memories he had that weren't influenced by some sort of manipulation.

"Is everything alright?" Petunia asked.

He looked up to see that she had provided the Ministry owl with a basin of water. She stroked it gently as it rested. He smiled at the scene.

"Ministry summons." Harry shrugged.

"Anything we need to worry about?" Petunia paused stroking the owl. The bird did not seem happy about it.

"No." Harry shook his head. "I'm meeting with Amelia Bones, she's one of the few magical folk that do their job correctly."

"I'll get my purse." Petunia patted the owl gently on the head.

"They're providing an escort." Harry shook his head. "It's in the Ministry of Magic so the wards won't allow your entry."

"Of course." Petunia sighed.

"You'd think they'd have something in place." Harry muttered. "The number of muggle-born rises each year. They would need someone to act as their magical guardian." He paused. "They are sending an Auror over to take me."

"Those are the magical police." Petunia said mostly to herself.

Harry nodded.

He didn't have to wait long before there was a knock at the door. They both suspected that it was his escort, but Petunia insisted on answering the door.

"Hello." Petunia greeted as she blocked the view deeper into the house.

"Wotcher." The young woman held up her badge to show her identification as an Auror. "Tonks. Don't call me Nymphadora."

Harry turned to see Tonks speaking with his aunt. Her hair shifted from long and black to short and spiked pink. Harry froze. She was here. Logically, he knew he would be meeting her again soon. Still. She was here. Alive! Right in front of him.

It wasn't just the memories from before, there was something more to it. Something deeper. It was a memory that had been taken from him from the last time.

"Nummy?" Harry whispered.

Tonks blushed a bright shade of red. She had heard him but kept her focus on being here in a professional capacity. A flash of memories played along his mind. The little girl with rainbow hair, his imaginary friend that he had forgotten. How had he forgotten her? Tonks stepped inside as Petunia shifted to allow passage.

She held her badge up to show Harry as well. Her name was displayed on it.

"What's wrong with Nymphadora?" Harry asked.

"You get one." Tonks narrowed her eyes at him.

"Can I call you Nym?" Harry asked softly.

"Fine." She huffed. "Come on. There's a car waiting for us."

"Have you been doing this long?" Harry followed after her.

He didn't spend nearly as much time in his old life talking to her. With this newly recovered connection, he wasn't going to make that mistake again.

"No." Tonks led him down the walk. "This is my first year on the actual job. Training took nearly a year and then there's another stretch when you're basically a student again."

"How long have you been out of school?" Harry asked.

"This will be my… third year?" She wrinkled her nose as she thought. "You're starting your Fourth year?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

"Then, yeah, third year out." Tonks stood beside him.

"How do you like being an Auror?" He followed her.

"There is a lot of paperwork." She sighed. "I'm one of the rookies so we don't get a lot of the exciting cases. I patrol the alleys, do a week of guard duty on the island, and then do it all over again most of the time. I did get to help with the Azkaban clean-up. That was pretty wicked."

"Read about that in the Prophet." Harry nodded. "Was it as bad as they made it out to be?"

"Worse." Tonks shook her head. "Never thought I'd see a dementor hiding in fear."

Her hair had shifted from bright pink to an ash gray. The spikes slumped against her scalp.

"Ever thought of changing careers?" Harry asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She snapped at him.

"You sound like you aren't having much fun." Harry shrugged.

"It's not what I thought it would be." Tonks huffed.

They came to a stop in front of an older car that he remembered from his last run through. Ministry cars with expansion charms, various security features, and it could slip through traffic like the Knight Bus. He hadn't expected it when the car took a random turn instead of going the route he knew. The road dipped into an underground parking garage.

Harry looked around in clear interest as Nym led him through a side hall. It opened up into a room with a staircase on each of the other three walls. Nym took him up the center set that emerged in the Ministry Atrium. It was off to the side rather than the main bank of Floo Network and the Apparation Point. No one spared them a glance. It made him wonder if this was a Notice-Me-Not charm, or people simply didn't pay attention. Even witches and wizards were guilty of tunnel vision.

"Here we are." Nym stopped in front of an unmarked door.

This wasn't Amelia Bones' office. He didn't think this was a trap, but things were not going the way he had expected.

"What's this?" Harry asked.

"Private meeting room." Nym replied. "Madam Bones is waiting for you inside."

Harry shrugged and opened the door.

Once inside he found Sirius and Remus waiting. Harry had to hold back the urge to smile. Madam Bones didn't know that he already knew Sirius. He had swapped his form over to Padfoot before she had arrived.

"What's this about?" Harry schooled his expression to one of confusion. "Why is Professor Lupin here?"

"Please sit." Amelia inclined her head to the open chair. "Have you been keeping up with the news?"

"Not really, no." Harry took the seat as he spoke. "I live with my muggle relatives and didn't think an owl showing up every day would be a good idea."

Amelia gave a small nod in acceptance of his logic. "This is Sirius Black. Until recently he was thought to be one of the people responsible for your parents' death. As it turns out, he is innocent on all charges, as was your godfather. The responsible party has been apprehended, charged, and was kissed recently."

"I knew he was my godfather." Harry nodded at her. "The goblins keep exquisite paperwork."

"Indeed." Amelia smiled at him.

Harry felt his chest flutter. Damn, teenage hormones.

"Sirius is your legal and magical guardian." Amelia continued. "We thought it would be a good idea to get some time to speak."

"Well." Harry chuckled. "He spent the summer with me, in a sort."

"I've registered as an animagus." Sirius turned to Amelia. "This summer I was watching over him in that form." He looked to Harry. "Thank you for not naming me Princess. Rook wasn't a bad call, but I go by Padfoot when I'm a dog."

"I'll have to remember that. Why is Professor Lupin here?" Harry nodded.

"I'm a friend of your parents and Sirius." Remus looked down at his feet. "Not a very good one."

"Stop it, Moony." Sirius sighed. "I was in prison for murdering our friends. I have already forgiven you for being an idiot."

Remus shook his head.

"You were friends with Sirius and my parents?" Harry asked.

Remus nodded.

"Why am I just finding this out now?" Harry asked.

With all that had gone on since his return, he couldn't remember if Remus had ever told Harry about the connection to his parents. Add in the mess with the Weasleys and Hermione and his understanding of the 'recent' timeline was muddled. On top of that, it was always a question he wanted to know. During the war there was always a more pressing matter than heartfelt conversations.

"I have a condition." Remus looked to Sirius. "Having me around wasn't an option."

"The werewolf thing, right." Harry said.

The adults in the room gawked at him. It took a moment for him to realize his mistake. This time, they hadn't encountered Remus in his werewolf form. Amelia had arrived with her Aurors to take away Pettigrew before that could happen. After that, Remus slipped away on his own while Harry, Ron, and Hermione returned to the castle. He hadn't given it a second thought at the time. Now it made sense that Remus felt the transformation coming and got to a safe distance.

"Please, it's not hard to tell." Harry motioned to Remus. "He eats like he's starving but is skin and bones. He gets grumpy a week before the full moon, disappears for a couple of days, and then comes back looking even more ragged than before."

Sirius laughed. "You get your brains from Lily."

"Thank you for keeping it a secret." Remus gave him a tired smile. "Werewolves aren't looked up in a kind light."

"It's pretty obvious considering how the Ministry treated Hagrid a couple of years ago." Harry returned the smile.

"What happened with Hagrid?" Amelia asked.

"He was blamed for basilisk attacks." Harry shifted his gaze to her. "It's the same thing that got him expelled and his wand broken when he was a student. There was never any proof. He's half-giant so no one cared when he was put in Azkaban. Aside from my friends and I, that is."

"He was put in Azkaban?" Amelia's mouth pressed into a tight line.

Harry nodded.

"If you will excuse me, it seems I have some matters to attend." Amelia moved with surprising speed.

One moment she was standing by her desk and the next she had tossed powder in the floo. She disappeared with a flash of green flame.

"It was nice to see you again." Harry called after her, but she was already gone.

"You're a bit young for her, pup." Sirius smiled at him. "Can't fault you on your taste in women."

"Sirius." Remus groaned.

Sirius laughed. "Want to go get some lunch? I'm starving."

"Sure." Harry nodded.

"I'll side-along you." Sirius offered Harry an arm.

A squeeze and a pop later they appeared at Grimmauld Place. Harry jumped as the painting of Walburga Black began screaming.

"Shut up your trap, old bat." Sirius yelled back. "Sorry about that. I can't seem to get the painting off the wall."

"Have you tried putting a case around it?" Harry asked. "Muggle museums use them to protect older paintings. Seal her up in glass and put some silencing charms on it."

"I'll have to try that." Sirius gave him a happy grin.

Harry looked around. Grimmauld Place looked about the same as when he had last seen it. The main difference was that the thick, dark curtains had been removed from the windows. The fresh sunlight fought valiantly against the ever-present shroud of darkness. It was cleaner than he expected, but still had a long way to go.

"Why did you want to have lunch here?" Harry asked.

"Kreacher, lunch for my guest." Sirius led him to the room to find Kreacher at work at the stove.

Unlike the entryway the kitchen was warm and inviting. The dining table was new, the floors were clean, and the smell of fresh baked bread drifted through the air.

"Nasty Blood Traitor Master wants lunch for half-blood." The house elf grumbled.

"He doesn't seem all that happy here." Harry nodded to the elf.

"He's just mad I took down the house elf heads." Sirius groaned.

"Pardon?" Harry had forgotten about that.

"My mother, she would mount the former house elf heads on the wall like trophies." Sirius shuddered. "She was a right nutter."

"Place of honor." Kreacher grumbled louder this time.

"You could set him free." Harry offered.

"He knows too much about the Black family." Sirius shook his head. "Plus, my brother loved the old thing. I can't bring myself to get rid of him."

"You had a brother?" Harry asked.

"Regulus." A sad smile crossed his face.

"Master Regulus." Kreacher said at the same time.

"We got off track." Sirius cleared his throat. "You asked why I wanted to speak to you here. The answer is simple. I don't trust Dumbledore."

"Why?" Harry had to fight the wave of relief that sparked within him.

"For one, he knew I was innocent and didn't do anything about it." Sirius growled. He took a breath to calm himself.

"Then what do we do? You said it yourself, he's very powerful and has the knowledge to back it up." Harry took a deep breath.

Sirius tilted his head back and laughed. "Lily's brains and James' fire. You're dangerous, pup."

Kreacher set food out on the table.

"Thank you." Harry said.

"Half-blood thanks Kreacher." The elf bobbled his head.

"Shut it." Sirius rolled his eyes.

"There's more that I didn't get to tell Skeeter." Harry scanned the room to make sure there weren't any new paintings on the wall.

"We're safe here." Sirius had a steady edge in his voice that Harry had never heard.

"What do you know about horcruxes?" Harry asked.

A loud crash followed quickly by broken glass echoed in the kitchen. Harry looked over to see Kreacher staring wide-eyed at him.

"Soul magic." Sirius said. "Nasty stuff. Why?"

"Riddle, Voldemort, whatever, he made seven them." Harry brushed his bangs back to show his scar. "This was one of them. The basilisk venom killed it. When I talked to the goblins about it they found another hidden in the Lestrange vault. He used Helga Hufflepuff's cup. I found the diadem of Ravenclaw, it was one too. I'm certain that if we could find an artifact from Slytherin that would be one too."

"Why do you think he made seven?" Sirius asked.

"Anymore and the soul just shatters." Harry explained. "What's the point of being almost immortal if you're less than a ghost?"

A heavy silence settled on the room. Only the tinkling of broken glass being swept broke the hold.

Harry locked his gaze onto Kreacher. "You know something, don't you?"

Kreacher disappeared with a pop only to return a moment later. The old elf held the Slytherin locket out in front of him.

"Master Regulus made me promise." The elf began to sob. "Kreacher failed. Kreacher can't destroy it."

"Put it on the table." Harry stood up.

Kreacher did. Harry summoned Excalibur. With a flick of his wrist, he sliced the locket into two pieces. A thin wisp of black smoke drifted away with a scream.

"Your promise is fulfilled." Harry banished the sword.

Kreacher collapsed. The old elf curled into a ball, weeping.

"You have a sword?" Sirius asked.

Harry laughed. "After all that and you want to know about the sword?"

"You created a sword out of thin air." Sirius said.

"I summoned it." Harry held out his hand for it to appear again. "It's the Sword of Gryffindor, or Excalibur, whatever you call it, I used it to kill the basilisk. Now it's mine."

"Excalibur?" Sirius shook his head before letting out a shaky laugh. "You are the right kind of danger we need. Once Voldemort is handled we can move on to the real threat."

"Dumbledore." Harry gripped the sword tightly.


Petunia, Dudley, and Vernon stood in the front yard with Harry. His trunk was packed, Hedwig was waiting on her perch, and they were all waiting for Sirius. Since they weren't hooked up to the Floo network they had to come up with alternate means of transportation. Sirius said he had something arranged but wouldn't say what it was.

"Harry." Petunia pulled him into a hug. "You will always be welcome here. This is your home when you want it."

Vernon pulled him into a hug once Petunia let him go. "We expect updates. A letter a month at least. I've asked Dobby to look into getting an owl for ourselves." The stern words were undercut by his red, puffy eyes.

Hedwig ruffled her feathers at the mention of another owl.

"Oh?" Harry looked to her. "You want to deliver their messages too? You'd fly here every morning then back to me?"

She considered him for a long moment before turning away with a huff.

"She'll allow it." Harry chuckled.

Dudley gave him an awkward hug that was reserved for siblings since the dawn of time.

"Put in a good word with some of those birds, eh?" Dudley stepped back.

"Dudley!" Petunia gasped.

"What's your type?" Harry dropped his voice low.

"Harry!" Petunia shifted her attention to him.

Dudley had cleaned up his act a lot this summer. Harry liked to think he had a part in it. Not only was his cousin getting healthier, but he was kinder as well. People around the neighborhood had noticed. The younger kids in the area didn't run when Dudley approached, and the rumor mill was practically starved for source material. At least the sort originating from Dudley's misadventures.

A horn honking brought their attention to an approaching car. It was a luxury town-car. The only thing that set it apart from the other vehicles were the blacked out rear windows. On the side was a logo for Fry's Executive Taxi Service. It came to a stop in front of the house.

Hugh Fry, dressed in a muggle suit, hopped out and opened the rear door. Sirius stepped out. The months as Rook and his recent freedom had been good to him. He looked healthier than he had ever was last time. There was even a sparkle in his eyes that Harry had only seen in pictures.

Lupin got out a moment behind him.

"Siri, Remus." Petunia wiped her tears away and gave them a smile. "Hello."

Harry watched as Remus crossed over into the wards. The strained, polite smile on his face vanished. His eyes actually flashed yellow for a moment as his expression shifted through confusion, rage, and sorrow.

"That goat f*cking bastard!" Remus roared.

Hugh jumped at the sudden shift in the soft-spoken passenger.

"The wards." Petunia shook her head.

"I made sure to strengthen the protections." Harry looked back at her. "I don't want someone coming after you."

"Did he actually f*ck goats?" Dudley asked.

"You know…" Harry thought. "I don't know."

"You mean it's not just a common wizard insult?" Vernon asked.

"No." Sirius shook his head.

"Should we do something about him?" Petunia asked motioning to Remus.

"Give him a moment." Sirius waved it away.

"Thank you for the concern, Padfoot." Remus glared at his friend.

"Please." Sirius shook his head. "I've seen you calmly disembowel a moose. When you're worked up like this it's the furniture that pays the price."

"A moose?" Harry asked.

"Prongs, Remus, and I traveled around North America summer of our sixth year." Sirius explained. "Did it the muggle way, for the most part. Hopped a plane, took a train, and rented an automobile. Thought your dad was going to kill us when he got behind the wheel."

"You let my dad drive?" Harry gawked. "An English, Pureblood wizard?"

"It was a good idea at the time." Sirius laughed.

"Harry." Remus walked over to him with purpose. "I owe you so much more than an apology. You as well Sirius."

"No." Harry met the werewolf's gaze. "You don't. It wasn't you. Everything that has happened is his fault, not yours." He turned to his family. "He took our lives from us. Family, friends, love. All of it gone for his plans."

"Well." Sirius clapped his hands. "As enlightening as this has been, we do have a schedule to keep."

"Really, Padfoot?" Remus looked to his friend.

"Yes." Sirius nodded with a smile. "There are some people Harry needs to meet before we go."

"Go where?" Harry asked.

"The camp." Sirius answered, his attitude switching to one of nervous excitement.

"The camp? What camp?" Harry looked over to Remus, but the werewolf was still in his own world.

"I've reserved a spot at the World Cup for the week." Sirius was literally bouncing now. "We're going to spend the next seven days surrounded by witches from all over the world!"

Harry smiled so hard his cheeks hurt. "You old dog."

"Sirius." Petunia gave him her best 'mom' voice. "You aren't just going to be chasing women. You're supposed to be spending time with Harry."

"Petunia." Sirius turned his giddy energy to her. "Of course, I'm going to be spending time with Harry. How else is he going to learn how to woo a witch?"

Petunia tried to stay stern. She was almost successful until Vernon let out a loud guffaw.

"Get moving, you lot." Petunia shook her head.

"I'll send for Dobby once we're settled." Harry said.

Hugh slipped by them as they spoke. He loaded the luggage into the trunk and placed Hedwig in the car. The driver made sure to give Remus a wide berth. For his part, Remus was muttering and growling under his breath.

"Is he going to be alright?" Harry asked looking over at Remus.

"A scratch behind his ears and he'll be right as rain." Sirius replied.

Remus glared at him. The expression melted away into a smile. Harry gave his family another quick round of hugs before heading toward the open car door.

"Flea bitten mongrel." Remus snapped.

"Leg humping mutt." Sirius quipped.

"That was one time." Remus glared at him as he got into the car.

"One time?" Harry asked.

"Well, you see, around the full moon-" Sirius started.

"Shut it!" Remus cut in.

Harry slipped into the back of the car. He stopped to take in the surroundings. On the outside it looked nice, on the inside it was akin to a small yacht.

"Nice." Harry nodded appreciatively.

"He mentioned a car service the last time we took the bus." Sirius explained. "I added a bit to his funds to help get things settled. We can't hire him full time, it's dangerous like you said. I've already put in a good word around the Ministry."

"Why would you be at the Ministry?" Harry asked.

"I'm Lord Black." Sirius gave him a cheesy smile. "Do you think I'd let the seats on the 'Mot go to waste?"

"Didn't think you were the type." Harry shrugged.

"Thanks to you and those wards I'm thinking for myself these days." Sirius gave him a genuine smile. "I'm proud of you, pup."

"Enough mushy stuff." Harry cleared his throat. "What is the plan for today?"

"I'm going to introduce you to the good side of my family, then we're off to the camp." Sirius grinned.

"The good side of your family?" Harry asked.

"I'm as shocked as you are." Sirius chuckled.

Let's Try That Again - Redux - Chapter 10 - ScottisI - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.