content creator 14 day filmmaker course review (2024)

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107,15 zł

Pasos 1 Spanish Beginner's Course (Fourth Edition) John Murray Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Pasos 1: Spanish Beginner's Course is a multi-format Spanish adult learning programme for classroom and home use. Fully revised and updated for this new edition. What do I get? Coursebook: containing 14 thematic lessons, this full-colour 280-page coursebook is the primary text for the course. Ideal for classroom and home use. Additional products available Activity Book: 144 pages of extra practice and review linked to the coursebook units. CD and DVD Set: contains all the dialogues and listening activities included in the coursebook plus video content building on the real-life Spanish used in the course. What's in the course?Pasos 1 is full of learning features to help you progress in reading, writing, listening and speaking Spanish: -Covers the skills and structures needed for the UK GCSE examination -14 units include a range of everyday themes such as meeting people, shopping, making plans, talking about work and family and travelling -Authentic reading, listening and video materials are used throughout for a range of activities based on everyday Spanish in Spain and Latin America (CD and DVD Set must be bought separately 9781473610767) -Clear explanations and examples make the grammar easy to absorb -The Rincon cultural feature presents short pieces of cultural interest about contemporary Spain and Spanish -Interactive online quizzes and exercises let you reinforce your learning at home or in the classroom


11,15 zł

Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Pierwsze na świecie świadectwo ofiary zbrodni honorowej.Miała siedemnaście lat i zakochała się: zhańbiła rodzinę.Więc rodzina wydała na nią wyrok śmierci...Pokochała go pierwszą miłością. Myślała, że się z nią ożeni. Ale ukochanyzniknął, a ona odkryła, że jest w ciąży. A w jej świecie to najcięższazbrodnia...W zapomnianej przez Boga wiosce w Cisjordanii kobiety są wartemniej niż zwierzęta domowe. Tu mężczyzna jest panem życia i śmierciżony, córki, siostry. Brat może bezkarnie zabić siostrę, matka - córkę,kolejną bezużyteczną dziewczynkę, jaka się urodzi. Tu kobiecie odbierasię godność, a nawet życie zgodnie z odwiecznym obyczajem i uświęconątradycją. A śmierć jest karą dla dziewczyny, która zhańbi rodzinę.Tak jak Souad.Wyrok wydaje jej ojciec. Szwagier dokonuje egzekucji. Oblewa Souadbenzyną i podpala...SOUAD przeżyła - cudem, ale rodzina usiłowała zabić ją nawetw szpitalu. Na zawsze jednak pozostanie straszliwie okaleczona - naciele i duszy. I wciąż musi się ukrywać; dopóki żyje, jej rodzinę okrywahańba.Spalona żywcem, opublikowana pod pseudonimem szokująca opowieśćo piekle, jakim było jej dzieciństwo i młodość, stała się międzynarodowymbestsellerem. Wydana w 37 w krajach książka przerywatabu milczenia wobec istniejącej nadal w krajach muzułmańskichbarbarzyńskiej tradycji. Nieludzkiego obyczaju, prawa mężczyzn, namocy którego co najmniej pięć tysięcy kobiet pada co roku ofiarązbrodni honorowej. Nazwa - Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe Autor - Souad Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Amber Kod ISBN - 9788324159406 Kod EAN - 9788324159406 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2016 Tłumacz - 31182,maria rostworowska; Format - 110 x 175 x 14 Ilość stron - 224 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2016-06-23


498,54 zł


Podręczniki, artykuły szkolne > Podręczniki do szkół podst. i średnich

Business in Action plus Pearson MyLab Business with Pearson eText, Global Edition This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content, which is especially relevant to students outside the United States. This package includes Pearson MyLab Business. A concise and comprehensive introduction to business Business in Action remains the premier, comprehensive textbook for important introductory business principles and concepts. Featuring a highly organized, objective-driven structure, the text incorporates relevant, contemporary examples and trends from the business world. Now 16 chapters (down from 20), the 9th Edition has been streamlined to better match the needs of the course. New material, visuals, and assessment questions cover the full spectrum of contemporary business topics without filler or fluff. So, students can focus on what


448,49 zł


Podręczniki, artykuły szkolne > Podręczniki do szkół podst. i średnich

Biology: A Global Approach, Global Edition Biology: A Global Approach delivers a trusted, accurate, current, and pedagogically innovative experience that guides students to a true understanding of biology. The author team advances Neil Campbell


448,49 zł


Podręczniki, artykuły szkolne > Podręczniki do szkół podst. i średnich

Chemistry, Global Edition Give students a robust conceptual foundation while building critical problem-solving skills Robinson/McMurry/Fay


182,30 zł

Intermediate Accounting With Coach CD NetTutor PowerWeb McGraw-Hill

Inne 1

Intermediate Accounting, 3e, by Spiceland/Sepe/Tomassini will gain support in traditional and technology-driven accounting departments, especially those looking for a more concise, decision-making text that reinforces challenging concepts via CD-ROM. The revision of this text is based around a "Learning System." The revision of this "Learning System" was built on improving the clarity of the chapters, emphasizing more decision-making in order to prepare students for the changes taking place on the CPA exam, acknowledging the diversity of students and their learning styles by creating supplemental materials to assure the success of every student, and creating a consistent text and supplemental package for both students and instructor's giving us the best possible intermediate text on the market. Returning to the Third edition is the award winning "Coach" CD-ROM. The Coach CD-ROM is a multimedia product integrating audio and video clips, animated illustrations, cases, and alternative reading material that helps students comprehend some of the more difficult topics associated with intermediate accounting. Designed specifically for the Spiceland text, instructors and students will find these learning tools placed strategically throughout the text. This is the most comprehensive Learning System in Intermediate Accounting. At only 1120 pages (300 pages less than the average intermediate accounting text), Spiceland/S/T has not sacrificed content for pages. Instead, the authors have created a very flexible text with a student friendly writing style that focuses on explaining not just how to apply a procedure, but why it's applied. GradeSummit(TM) is a dynamic self-assessment and exam preparation service for students and instructors. Detailed diagnostic analysis of strengths and weaknesses enables efficient and effective study for students and effortless information for instructors. Find out more at|Reorganization of Chapters 3, 4, and 5. Based on extensive market feedback, the authors rearranged these chapters so that the basic financial statements are presented contiguously in Chapters 3 and 4. Consequently, the balance sheet is now covered before presenting the income measurement material.|Chapter 4 - Early coverage of Earnings Management/Earnings Quality. Part "A" of this chapter, the income statement, has been restructured by framing the discussion of income statement presentation within the context of earnings quality/earnings management. As one of the HOTTEST topics in the news today, Earnings Quality refers to the ability of reported earnings (income) to predict a company's future earnings. Financial analysts evaluate a company's earnings quality by attempting to separate a company's transitory earnings effects from its permanent earnings. This analysis is critical to investment decisions.|Update on Pronouncement Drafts FAS No. 132 (revised 2003) - Employers' Disclosures about Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits-an amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 88, and 106 FAS No. 150, Accounting for Financial Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity Accounting Changes and Error Corrections -a replacement of APB Opinion 20 Exchanges of Productive Assets - an amendment of APB Opinion No. 29. Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation: A Comparison of FASB Statement No. 123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, and its related interpretations. Expanded coverage of the Sarbanes Oxley Act in Chapter 1|CPA Review IntegrationIn 2004 McGraw-Hill/Irwin will provide you and your students with a true CPA Exam experience By exposing students to those skills now necessary to succeed both in their careers and on the computerized CPA Exam - Research, Analysis, Judgment, Understanding and Communication - your students will now be exposed to these requirements in their intermediate accounting course through our new CPA Review simulations. Several simulations tied to the text will be available on the bookĹźs website. |Decision Makers' Perspective - sections added to various chapters throughout the text to help students learn how to apply the knowledge they learn in class to the real world after graduation. Earnings Management topics are often revisited in these sections of the text. This text addresses the issues of how creditors use information about accounts receivables and inventories, determine which information is useful to investors, and why managers choose a particular accounting method over an allowable alternative. By the end of this course, students will be able to use accounting information to make decisions, understand financial reporting issues, and most importantly, critically evaluate reporting alternatives.|Updated real-world examples featuring a variety of companies such as Microsoft, Ford, and Gap, Inc. help students understand theoretical concepts by studying the decisions made by progressive companies.|Updated FASB Pronouncements - 130, 131, 132, 133, 137, 141-146 all incorporated throughout the text with material detailing the impacts of these pronouncements.|Revenue Recognition - Revenue recognition has become one of the hottest financial reporting issues. The most frequently cited issue in federal class action litigation is improper revenue recognition. Complex business transactions, particularly for high technology companies, make revenue recognition a difficult task, one that needs to be thoroughly understood by students.|Chapter 14, Bonds and Long-Term Notes, has been reorganized to create greater flexibility in the choice of topics to be covered. 3 Parts: Postretirement Benefits Other than Pensions, Stock-Based Compensation Plans, and Other Compensation Prior to Retirement.|Coverage of accounting errors expanded in Chapter 22 - Using Enron's error correction experience as backdrop. These topics will show the relevance of accounting to students.|Updated Computerized Test Bank - Each chapter of the TB has a planning grid that classifies each question according to the primary learning objective and the level of learning that it tests. Learning levels, based on a form of Bloom's educational taxonomy, divides questions as follows: Level One - Knows terms & facts. Level Two - Understands Principles and Concepts. Level Three - Applies Principles and Concepts. Many questions have been revised or updated from the 2e test bank, several redundant ones have been eliminated and many new ones have been included. The new questions emphasize more critical thinking and increased emphasis on interpreting information from real world financial statements and disclosures.|Online Learning Center- The OLC is a dynamic website providing students with added material that traditionally has been available at an additional cost. The Spiceland OLC includes quizzes, practice sets, articles, Excel Templates, PPT Slides, Electronic Cases, Check Figures, FASB Pronouncement Summaries, links to Relevant News and References, and Flash Cards. There are also 60 Real-Time, Real-World Electronic cases. Each case has solutions and links to other websites. The OLC is free with the purchase of a new text. (|Expanded coverage of comprehensive income. Comprehensive income, as covered in the first and second editions, will now include real-world disclosure examples and presentations.|Coach CD-ROM - The Coach CD-ROM is an interactive CD-ROM that is fully integrated throughout the text, helping students understand some of the more difficult topics surrounding Intermediate Accounting. This CD-ROM includes audio & video clips to help visual learners comprehend difficult topics in an environment that is more suitable to their learning needs. There are also animated illustrations, electronic cases, review exercises, and additional journal readings.|Author-written supplements - The Spiceland author team writes all primary supplements to ensure a perfect fit between the text and supporting materials.|Conceptual Emphasis - Spiceland is more conceptual in how it successfully explains not just how to account for something, but why you account for it in a particular manner.|Flexibility - The author team has organized the chapters modularly so basic concepts are covered early in the chapter, while more difficult concepts can be studied later, or skipped completely. With other encyclopedic texts, this can be very difficult for instructors to accomplish.|Chapter Opening Financial Reporting Cases - Each chapter opens with a Financial Reporting Case that places the students in the role of the decision-maker. These cases help students understand why and how the material covered in a given chapter is applied in business. Questions relating to these cases are placed appropriately throughout the chapter where the learned concepts can be applied. Solutions to these questions are located in the End-of-Chapter material.|Ethical Dilemmas - Ethical boxes are integrated throughout the text and are intended to create an awareness of accounting issues with ethical ramifications. This timely information is great for classroom discussions and ask students to consider situations dealing with fraud, accounting for contingencies, and post-retirement pension plans.|Global Perspectives - International boxes integrated throughout the text to give students a sense of how accounting is use in other countries. Students will get some insight into how income tax regulations are handled in other countries, how investments are reported, and uniformity of accounting standards in a global marketplace.|Additional Consideration Boxes provide students with more detail on selected topics such as understanding ratios, LIFO/FIFO, and goodwill.|Broaden Your Perspective Cases - An integral part of each chapter, these cases prepare students for the New Uniform CPA exam by helping them develop these four critical skills: research, analysis, judgment, and communication. These cases allow students to apply the knowledge they are gaining in the course.|Concept Review Exercises w/Solutions - Reinforces the understanding of chapter material, and allows students to apply concepts and procedures learned in earlier chapters prior to their homework assignment. Some chapters will discuss more than one distinct topic, and in so doing, a concept review exercise will immediately follow.|McGraw-HillĹźs Knowledge Gateway - The Complete Resource for Teaching Online Courses. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, in partnership with Eduprise, is proud to bring this unique service to instructors. This comprehensive Website contains a wealth of information for any professor interested in teaching online. Level one is available to any instructor browsing our Website. Level two is reserved for McGraw-Hill customers and contains access to free technical and instructional design assistance. For more details, visit|PageOut is McGraw-HillĹźs unique point-and click course Website tool, enabling you to create a full-featured, professional quality course Website without knowing HTML coding. With PageOut you can post your syllabus online, assign McGraw-Hill Online Learning Center or eBook content, add links to important off-site resources, and maintain student results in the online grade book. You can send class announcements, copy your course site to share with colleagues, and upload original files. PageOut is free for every McGraw-Hill/Irwin user and, if youĹźre short on time, we even have a team ready to help you create your site!|You can customize this text with McGraw-Hill/Primis Online. A digital database offers you the flexibility to customize your course including material from the largest online collection of textbooks, readings, and cases. Primis leads the way in customized eBooks with hundreds of titles available at prices that save your students over 20% off bookstore prices. Additional information is available at 800-228-0634.|PowerWeb. This online reservoir of discipline-specific news articles and essays offer a great way to keep your course current, while complementing textbook concepts with real-world applications. Articles and essays from leading periodicals and niche publications in specific disciplines are reviewed by professors like you to ensure fruitful search results every time. PowerWeb also offers current news, weekly updates with assessment, interactive exercises, Web research guide, study tips, and much more!|BusinessWeek Edition. Your students can subscribe to 15 weeks of Business Week for a specially priced rate of $8.25 in addition to the price of the text. Students will receive a pass code card shrink-wrapped with their new text. The card directs students to a Website where they enter the code and then gain access to BusinessWeekĹźs registration page to enter address info and set up their print and online subscription as well. |Wall Street Journal Edition. Your students can subscribe to the Wall Street Journal for 15 weeks at a specially priced rate of $20.00 in addition to the price of the text. Students will receive a "How To Use the WSJ" handbook plus a pass code card shrink-wrapped with the text. The card directs students to a Website where they enter the code and then gain access to the WSJ registration page to enter address info and set up their print and online subscription, and also set up their subscription to Dow Jones Interactive online for the span of the 15-week period. |Standard & PoorĹźs Educational Version of Market Insight. McGraw-Hill/Irwin is proud to partner with Standard & PoorĹźs to offer access to the Educational Version of Standard & PoorĹźs Market Insight(c). This rich online resource provides six years of financial data for over 370 top companies. The password-protected Website is the perfect way to bring real data into todayĹźs classroom. This is free with selected McGraw-Hill titles, and is available for an extra $5 with additional titles. Contact your rep for more information or visit


18,56 zł

Przy sercu Twoim. Kantata dla NMP - Praca zbiorowa

Książki & Multimedia > Muzyka

Opis - Kompozycja, składająca się z 14 utworów, została napisana dla uczczenia drugiej rocznicy śmierci Jana Pawła II. Proste teksty ks. Mateusza Jeża są hołdem oddanym Matce Bożej. Muzyka Zbigniewa Małkowicza łączy w sobie wiele stylów: smyczki brzmią klasycznie, melodie wpadają w ucho jak popowe przeboje, śpiew chóru zahacza o gospel, a bas wybija chwilami jazzowo-funkowe rytmy. Wszystko razem jest mieszanką przyjemną dla ucha, a dawka liryzmu zawarta w utworach sprzyja modlitewnemu skupieniu.Do udziału w nagraniu płyty Przy sercu Twoim zespół LUMEN zaprosił kilku gości specjalnych. Należy do nich Dariusz Tokarzewski z grupy Vox, który wystąpił w świetnym duecie z młodziutką Aleksandrą Małkowicz. Pociesz mnie to jedna z najładniejszych piosenek na tym krążku. Ale dobrych kompozycji jest tu więcej. Wśród tych bardziej dynamicznych wyróżnia się niewątpliwie utwór Królowo nasza, aniołów Pani, budzący delikatne skojarzenia z twórczością TGD. Wśród spokojniejszych fragmentów zwraca uwagę utwór tytułowy i Kołysanka, wprowadzająca nas w klimat Bożego Narodzenia.Różnorodność stylistyczna tej płyty zespołu LUMEN sprawia, że każdy znajdzie tu coś dla siebie. Nazwa - Przy sercu Twoim. Kantata dla NMP Autor - Praca zbiorowa Oprawa - OT Wydawca - AGAPE Kod ISBN - 9788364774461 Kod EAN - 9788364774461 Rok wydania - 2017 Format - x / 148 / 210 Ilość stron - 58 Podatek VAT - 5%


118,54 zł

John Hughes and Eighties Cinema Crescent Moon Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

JOHN HUGHES AND EIGHTIES CINEMA John Hughes is the acclaimed writer and director of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Weird Science, Pretty In Pink and many other classic movies of the 1980s. This book is the first full-length analysis of all of John Hughes's films throughout the 1980s; not only the features that he directed, but also those for which he provided the screenplay. By analysing these pictures and discussing their social and cultural significance in the wider context of the decade, Hughes's importance as a filmmaker will be considered, and his prominent contribution to cinema assessed. The book concludes with a detailed analysis of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, a film which is considered to be among Hughes's most critically successful works and also one of his most structurally refined. The new edition has been updated and revised in the wake of John Hughes' death in 2009. Fully illustrated. With bibliography, filmography and notes. 376 pages. ISBN 9781861714367. REVIEW ON AMAZON If like me, you were fortunate enough to live through and grow up during the 80's and early 90's, you'll remember just how rich comedy was back then. This book on it's own puts most comedies of the modern era to shame as it is a homage to one of the most talented minds in the game. I am of course speaking of none other than the late great John Hughes. This is a great book for getting into the details of how a master of his art came about and created such cinematic gems. Hughes will be sorely missed which is why books like this keep his spirit and work alive! I'd say this book is for people who are nostalgic 20-somethings or cinema buffs, but all-round a good book for just about anyone who would like to know what made one of the funniest minds of Hollywood tick. EXTRACT FROM THE INTRODUCTION: Think of the American cinema of the 1980s, and your mind is instantly bombarded by dozens and dozens of flamboyant moving images from this most distinctive of cinematic decades. You might be thinking of films which became classics such as Irvin Kershner's The Empire Strikes (1980), Steven Spielberg's Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Robert Zemeckis's Back to the Future (1985), or possibly even Tim Burton's Batman (1989). It was a decade that gave birth to some film franchises - one need only call to mind John Rambo's explosive first appearance in Ted Kotcheff's First Blood (1982), the harrowing exploits of Officer Murphy in Paul Verhoeven's RoboCop (1987), or even the improbably long-running knockabout antics of Cadet Mahoney and his fellow recruits which began with Hugh Wilson's Police Academy (1984). It was against this creatively abundant background of the Eighties film world that audiences were first introduced to the work of influential director and screenwriter John Hughes (1950-2009). Today Hughes is just as well known for the scripts he created for hugely popular family films throughout the 1990s, including Chris Columbus's blockbuster Home Alone (1990), Brian Levant's Beethoven (1992) and Nick Castle's Dennis the Menace (1993), written under his pen-name of Edmond Dantčs. But even these accomplishments couldn't compare to the artistic diversity of his output throughout the eighties. Although it is easy to remember Hughes for his meteorically successful teen movies right the way through the including The Breakfast Club (1985) and Ferris Bueller's Day (1986), he was every bit as adroit in his handling of suburban satires such as Mr Mom (1983) and Uncle Buck (1989), his wry observations of the great American holiday in National Lampoon's Vacation (1983) and The Great Outdoors (1988), the trial


45,80 zł

Consolations of Philosophy Penguin

Nauki humanistyczne

Alain de Botton, best-selling author of How Proust can Change Your Life, has set six of the finest minds in the history of philosophy to work on the problems of everyday life. Here then are Socrates, Epicurus, Seneca, Montaigne, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche on some of the things that bother us all; lack of money, the pain of love, inadequacy, anxiety, the fear of failure and the pressure to conform.


118,74 zł

Chemistry All-in-One For Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online) John Wiley & Sons Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Everything you need to crush chemistry with confidenceChemistry All-in-One For Dummies arms you with all the no-nonsense, how-to content you'll need to pass your chemistry class with flying colors. You'll find tons of practical examples and practice problems, and you'll get access to an online quiz for every chapter. Reinforce the concepts you learn in the classroom and beef up your understanding of all the chemistry topics covered in the standard curriculum. Prepping for the AP Chemistry exam? Dummies has your back, with plenty of review before test day. With clear definitions, concise explanations, and plenty of helpful information on everything from matter and molecules to moles and measurements, Chemistry All-in-One For Dummies is a one-stop resource for chem students of all valences.* Review all the topics covered in a full-year high school chemistry course or one semester of college chemistry* Understand atoms, molecules, and the periodic table of elements* Master chemical equations, solutions, and states of matter* Complete practice problems and end-of-chapter quizzes (online!)Chemistry All-In-One For Dummies is perfect for students who need help with coursework or want to cram extra hard to ace that chem test.


40,80 zł

Letter from America Penguin

Powieści i opowiadania

When Alistair Cooke retired in March 2004 and then died a few weeks later, he was acclaimed by many as one of the greatest broadcasters of all time. His Letters from America, which began in 1946 and continued uninterrupted every week until early 2004, kept the world in touch with what was happening in Cooke's wry, liberal and humane style. This selection, made largely by Cooke himself and supplemented by his literary executor, gives us the very best of these legendary broadcasts. Over half have never appeared in print before. It is a remarkable portrait of a continent - and a man. Fred Astaire 26 June 1987 Movie stars don't make it. Nor statesmen. Not Prime Ministers, or dictators unless they die in office. Not even a world-famous rock star, unless he's assassinated. But last Monday, none of the three national television networks hesitated about the story that would lead the evening news. On millions of little screens in this country and I don't doubt in many other countries around the world, the first shots were of an imp, a graceful wraith, a firefly in impeccable white tie and tails. And for much longer than the lead story usually runs, for a full five minutes on NBC, we were given a loving retrospective of the dead man, ending with the firm declaration by Nureyev that 'He was not just the best ballroom dancer, or tap dancer, he was simply the greatest, most imaginative, dancer of our time.' And the newsmen were right to remind us of the immortal comment of the Hollywood mogul, who, with the no-nonsense directness of an expert, reported on Fred Astaire's first film test: 'Has enormous ears, can't act, can't sing, dances a little.' That Hollywood mogul, long gone, spent his life ducking round corners, to avoid being identified as the oaf who looked in the sky and never saw the brightest star. However, that expert opinion was, as the lawyers say, controlling at the time and in Astaire's first movies, there was no thought of allowing him to act or sing. But not for long. And thanks to the invention of television, and the need to fill vast stretches of the afternoon and night with old movies, it has been possible for my daughter, for instance, to claim Fred Astaire as her favourite film star from the evidence of all the movies he made fifteen, ten, five, three years before she was born. When I got the news on Monday evening here, and realized with immediate professional satisfaction that the BBC had smartly on hand a musical obituary tribute to him I put together eight years ago, I couldn't help recalling the casual, comic way this and similar radio obituaries came about. I was in London at the end of 1979, and Richard Rodgers - one of the two or three greatest of American songwriters - had just died, I believe on New Year's Eve or the night before. Britons, by then, were getting accustomed, without pain, to making what used to be a two-day Christmas holiday into a ten-day much-needed rest. For all laborious research purposes, the BBC was shut up. And there was no retrospective programme on the life and music of Richard Rodgers in the BBC's archives. Of course, in a gramophone library that looks like an annex to the Pentagon, there were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of recordings of his songs. The SOS went out to a writer, a producer, and - I presume - a man who had the key to the gramophone library. The silent place was unlocked, and the three of them laboured through the day to put together an hour's tribute to Richard Rodgers. It was done. It was competent enough, but rushed to an impossible deadline. This hasty improvisation happened just when my own music producer and I, who had enjoyed working together for six years or so on American popular music, were wondering what we could offer next. We'd done a sketch history of jazz, through individuals. We'd gone through all the popular music of the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, and were stumped for a new series, at which point I asked if we mightn't go and talk to the head of the channel, network or whatever. We went in, and the genial boss asked me what we had in mind. 'A morgue,' I said. A what? 'Where', I asked, 'is your morgue?' He was not familiar with the word, a newspaper term. 'Well,' I said, 'all newspapers have them.' 'How d'you mean?' 'If, I explained, 'Mrs Thatcher died tonight and you woke up and read a two-sentence obituary, you'd be rightly outraged. But if you saw a two-page obituary, you'd take it for granted. When d'you suppose it was written?' 'That's right,' he said thoughtfully. What I was proposing was a morgue of the Americans eminent in popular music and jazz, so they'd not get caught short again. A splendid idea, the man said; pick your stars. We made a list and were commissioned to return to America and finish all of them. Naturally, we looked at a calendar, and birthdates of Hoagy Carmichael, Earl Hines, Harold Arlen, Ethel Merman, Stephane Grappelli, Ella Fitzgerald. But then, in a spasm of panic, we thought of two giants - if the word can be used about two comparative midgets: Irving Berlin and Fred Astaire. Berlin was then 91. And Fred Astaire was just crowding 80. The boss man, to whom the idea of a morgue had been, only a few minutes before, quaint if not morbid, wondered what we were waiting for. Better get busy, at once, on Berlin and then on Astaire. I remember doing the Astaire obit, then and there, while I was still in London. Meanwhile, we'd simply pray every night that the Lord would keep Irving Berlin breathing till I could get home and get busy. I remember being picked up in a car by a charming young girl to get to the BBC and record my Astaire narration - there wasn't a moment to lose. She asked me, in the car, what the script was that I was clutching. 'It's an obituary', I said, 'of Fred Astaire.' 'Fred Astaire,' she shrieked, 'dead?' and almost swerved into a bus. 'Of course, he's not dead,' I said, 'but he's going to be one day.' She, too, was new to the institution of a morgue. I recalled that when I was a correspondent for a British paper in the United States, and when for example. Dean Acheson was appointed Secretary of State, the first cable I had from my editor said, 'Welcome Acheson obituary soonest.' How ghoulish, she said. I imagine that to two generations at least, it's assumed that Fred Astaire, this slim, pop-eyed newcomer to Hollywood who couldn't act, couldn't sing, danced a little, only made a fool of the mogul through the movies he made, with Ginger Rogers, in the mid- and late 1930s. But long before then, from the mid-1920s on, he was already an incomparable star - as a dancer - to theatre audiences both in New York and in London. Perhaps more in London than anywhere, certainly in the 1920s, with the early Gershwin hits, Funny Face and Lady Be Good, and lastly, in 1933, in Cole Porter's Gay Divorce (which was the title of the theatre show; Hollywood would not then allow so shocking a title and called the movie version, The Gay Divorcee). Of all the thousands of words that have been written this week, and will be written, there is a passage I went back to on Tuesday night which, I think, as well as anything I know, sums up Astaire's overall appeal - the appeal that takes in but transcends one's admiration for his dancing and for his inimitably intimate singing style. This was written in November 1933, by a theatre critic who had so little feel for dancing that he marvelled why London should go on about 'Mr Astaire's doing well enough what the Tiller Girls at Blackpool do superbly'. The critic, the writer, was James Agate, the irascible, dogmatic, opinionated but brilliant journalist, and I believe the best critic of acting we have had this century. He is writing his review of Gay Divorce, after declaring yet again his contempt for musical comedy as an entertainment for idiots, deploring the play's plot and the acting and hoping 'Micawberishly, for something to turn up'. 'Presently,' he wrote, 'Mr Fred Astaire obliged, and there is really no more to be said.' Except


52,41 zł

German vocabulary for English speakers - 3000 words T&P Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

T&P BOOKS VOCABULARIES are intended to help you learn, memorize, and review foreign words. The dictionary contains over 3000 commonly used words. Recommended as additional support material to any language course. Meets the needs of beginners and advanced learners of foreign languages. Convenient for daily use, reviewing sessions and self-testing activities. Allows you to assess your current vocabulary. This book can also be used by foreigners to learn English. THIS REVISED EDITION (American English, July 2013) contains 101 topics including: Basic concepts, Numbers, Units of measurement, The most important verbs, Time, Calendar, Day and night, Months, Seasons, Travel, Sightseeing, City, Shopping, Clothing & Accessories, Cosmetics, Telephone, Phone conversation, Foreign languages, Meals, Restaurant, Family members, Human body, Medicine, Furniture, Household appliances, The Earth, Weather, Natural disasters, Fauna, Wild animals, Countries of the world and more ... SPECIAL FEATURES of T&P Books bilingual vocabularies: Words are arranged according to their meaning, not alphabetically. Content is presented in three columns to facilitate the reviewing and self-testing processes. Each theme is composed of small blocks of similar lexical units. The vocabulary offers a convenient and simple transcription for each foreign word. IF YOU HAVE any question, suggestion or feedback, please contact us: Ref. BODFR


52,41 zł

Turkish Vocabulary for English Speakers - 3000 words T&P Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

T&P BOOKS VOCABULARIES are intended to help you learn, memorize, and review foreign words. The dictionary contains over 3000 commonly used words. Recommended as additional support material to any language course. Meets the needs of beginners and advanced learners of foreign languages. Convenient for daily use, reviewing sessions and self-testing activities. Allows you to assess your current vocabulary. This book can also be used by foreigners to learn English. THIS REVISED EDITION (American English, July 2013) contains 101 topics including: Basic concepts, Numbers, Units of measurement, The most important verbs, Time, Calendar, Day and night, Months, Seasons, Travel, Sightseeing, City, Shopping, Clothing & Accessories, Cosmetics, Telephone, Phone conversation, Foreign languages, Meals, Restaurant, Family members, Human body, Medicine, Furniture, Household appliances, The Earth, Weather, Natural disasters, Fauna, Wild animals, Countries of the world and more ... SPECIAL FEATURES of T&P Books bilingual vocabularies: Words are arranged according to their meaning, not alphabetically. Content is presented in three columns to facilitate the reviewing and self-testing processes. Each theme is composed of small blocks of similar lexical units. The vocabulary offers a convenient and simple transcription for each foreign word. IF YOU HAVE any question, suggestion or feedback, please contact us: Ref. BODFR


54,10 zł

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 6417

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.